Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Not Packing

Because we're moving with the military, we have movers who are coming (supposedly Thursday/Friday) and will pack up all of our stuff. It's really a nice perk, but it's been hard getting our house 'move-ready' without actually packing anything. I've been trying to purge unwanted clothes/books/things, because it adds to the weight, and since you have a limit, there's no reason to move around things you don't want. Since we just got married, we have a lot of gifts that were shipped to the house, which was nice because they're already nicely packed for the glassware and breakable things. The remaining things are hard though, because you have to rifle through everything and pare it down and/or get it in some kind of order, but then you just put it back, you don't get it box it up and stack it in the corner and call it done. So even though I feel like I've spent days cleaning and organizing, it still feels like the house is more disastrous then ever.

Also because we're moving with the military, we have SO MUCH PAPERWORK! It's been really stressful, because we live about 45 minutes away from the base, so every time there is something new that needs to be filled out it's quite a long haul, and since we're a one-car-family, it usually means I take the bus up to the base. It would have been a much smoother process if it was more transparent as to what people needed and when. There's been a lot of guesswork involved, and a lot of stress about "suddenly missing" forms. That's pushed back having our movers come out too. Advice to anyone moving with the military: it's better to ask too many questions than not enough, because you won't find out otherwise. Thankfully, we got connected with two great people at the PSD on base, which is where they coordinate transfers, and they helped us fill in all the blanks on missing paperwork and what to expect. So now we're on track to have all of our paper-ducks in a row.

Now, if I can only get the dishes done?

1 comment:

  1. How to get the dishes done:
    Step 1- wear a hooded sweatshirt, with the hood up, and the string tied tightly below your chin
    Step 2- put on a pair of bright yellow cleaning gloves to protect the only manicure you've gotten in 5 years
    Step 3- call your sister and fly her out to Seattle to do them for you, because you will never get them done.

    when am I leaving?
