Sunday, May 16, 2010

Well isn't this Coos-ey :)

Coos Bay! Casey and I had a really beautiful day driving through Portland and out to the Oregon coast. We met up with my Aunt Katha in Salem for a quick pit stop and showed her a few pics from the wedding on Facebook. We couldn't stay long and got back on the road, only to stop for a quick dinner in Eugene. The Steelhead Brewery and Restaurant was a lucky choice, with home brewed root beer and english ale for the birthday boy. We got back on the road after dinner and finally found our way off of I-5 and onto the roads toward the coast. Casey took the wheel (surprise, surprise) and I was left to man the entertainment. I never appreciate how smoothly the tunes keep coming until it's my turn to work the ipod. Thankfully, Casey has Genius on his ipod so I just picked one song I liked and it made me a whole playlist. Saved! I also found that it's really nice to read aloud while you drive. We found a really interesting article in a magazine and I read that to Casey while he drove for about an hour, it passes the time nicely and it keeps you really engaged. We drove past a lot of neat places, very green and full of trees. There are really neat dunes out near Coos Bay just to the north. It was so odd to see full grown pine trees growing right out of the sand dunes! Now that we're settled in for the night Casey has ripped into his birthday present (an Xbox that I tried to pretend that I would never let him buy), and is already hooked up and playing with it. Hopefully he'll sleep a little tonight, more adventures are ahead! :)

Wish us luck and say your prayers for the remainder of the drive!

To fair winds and following seas...

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