Friday, July 2, 2010

Not Much to Report

Hi Friends,
In the interest of not leaving everyone hanging, I thought I would give a little update on all of our nothing. We've mostly been keeping ourselves holed up in our hotel room, now that we have a kitchen I've been cooking again, which is wonderful! Mostly, we've been watching a lot of movies and Casey has been teaching me how to play the Xbox, which now I think I'm hooked! :-/
Casey has been on TAD, which means basically, he's been off for several weeks, and we have a few more to go! It's been great spending so much time together, and we haven't even tried to kill each other yet! hehe
Luckily, we've had the chance to meet up with a few friends and we're looking forward to seeing some more friends for the 4th and Aunt Mary and Uncle Jeff and the boys when they come out for a beach week at the end of July! Can't wait for some fun!!
Hopefully, we'll have a fun story soon to tell you about, we're hoping to go to Vegas too!
Cheers to summer!

1 comment:

  1. I still need to make it to Vegas someday! It's been sooo hot in Seattle this week! All of a sudden summer started and it's been 90 nearly every day.

    Will the xbox work in Japan or do you need a different type of system? When do you guys officially leave for Japan?
