Saturday, November 6, 2010

Coupons are Fantastic!

In preparation for the big day that Casey's brothers arrive, I did some hard core grocery shopping at the commissary. Not just the go-down-the-street commissary either. I took a cooler with me, folded all the seats down, and drove 35 minutes to the "big" commissary at the other housing complex. It was an exciting afternoon! I was armed and ready with a big stack of coupons that I had printed out online, and a lengthy shopping list. Somehow it turned out to be very tiring, but it was so worth it, when my final total rang up, I turned over my coupons, and then I watched it tick down again, dollar by dollar. I think I might be addicted! Anyway, for a few weeks worth of groceries, I'd say I did pretty darn good coming it at just about $200.00 (which is including $18 for 6 lbs of potatoes for the ship for Thanksgiving). It's always a nice way to start your day by doing something productive.

Most of the rest of the day passed like a normal Casey-less Saturday, me pretending to clean/to chores, while really playing on my computer. But luckily, our friends the Riley's called, and were in need of a babysitter for their 3 little girls for the evening. It would be a little fun adventure to keep me busy. :)

I decided I'd stop by Casey's ship on my way to babysit, just to say hi to Casey and visit for a few minutes. For some reason he wasn't answering his phone (I later found out the batteries died), so I thought it would be better to just see if he was in a meeting. When I walked up to the gate, it was the same guys from Friday, who called over "his wife is here. With his dinner." They're joke-sters, but they remembered I had lost my phone and asked if I never found it again since I was back. I had to explain that I found it in my shoe, but no, this time Casey just wasn't answering my calls. I asked if they knew where he was, and so they explained he was just drawing up some reports. "Will you let him know I'm here?", I say. And so, over the radio goes, "there's a crazy girl here at the gate who says she's having OPS's baby, and he owes her some money." GREAT. AGAIN. They come back over the radio, "uhhh, does she have identification?" "Yes" "Well take down her information, while I pass the word. Do you need backup?" "No, I think we can handle her" "OK, what's the name?" "Uhh, [I pass over my ID, barely able to keep my laughter off the radio] that's Re-becca, um, Bur- Bur-nette? I think" "Roger". Oh great. If I get arrested, someone is in major trouble! Haha, the gate guards can barely contain themselves. After they figure out on the other end of the radio that I am actually OPS wife, the word comes back "OK, hold her there, try to keep her calm, we're sending security backup. Ramrod." One more kid comes out to the gate laughing, and so we just wait it out until Casey is finished his reports and he comes to the gate to "pay me my money" haha. I make sure to point to him and yell "that's him, that's the one!" when he walks into view, just to give the duty guys one more laugh. As I walk from the gate one of the guards says, "ma'am, please make sure we don't get in trouble for this." :-D

Then I was off to babysit, which was much less eventful than dropping by to see Casey. The girls were well behaved and went to bed all by themselves, how do I teach my future children to do that? Then I just watched "The Nanny" reruns for the rest of the night! Not a bad day!

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