Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Mountain Men Have Landed

Happy Veterans Day :) Casey was able to work a half day today in order to take Friday off so he can drive with me to pick up his brothers in Fukuoka. So excited I don't have to make the 2 hour trip alone. I'm still feeling rather sick and I think a navigator in the car would definitely increase my chances of actually making it to the airport to pick up the boys.

Sadly, I still haven't heard from work about their decision on me staying or not, so I'm just going to enjoy my 4 day weekend without worrying about it. I'm feeling less and less convinced I should stay there, the longer I stay there. Also, it didn't help that the keys I have for work are on this lanyard, and it has one of those scrunchy things on the end so it stretches. I was digging around in my bag for them on my way to work (while already waking up sick and achy, so the morning was off to a bad start already), and when I felt the lanyard I just pulled up, but the scrunchy part was caught on something and when it loosened up it went straight into my face! The keys chipped some of the paint on the frames of my glasses. I think it was a sign that the bank and I are not meant to be.

I'm making it through the days on green tea with honey, grape nuts, and layers of blankets. Luckily, I'm starting to feel better, just need to keep resting! I've been putting off cleaning up the house for so long now, and since the boys get here tomorrow, it's my last chance! Unluckily for Casey, he's home with me today, so I'm putting him to work too, since I'm so ill. :)

Casey and I ran out to do a quick couple of errands today, and decided we were going to try to find this hotel that is at the very top of the mountain that we live on. We thought we were continually heading up and toward the hotel, but somehow we came out behind the place that we started at. I'm feeling like that is not good foreboding for our trip to the airport tomorrow, but we'll just leave a little early!

We did get a phone call from the boys during dinner, they made it to the Tokyo airport and even found their hotel for the night. Success! Now all they have to do is catch their flight in the morning, and we'll pick them up! We're having some set backs with getting Sumo tickets. Seems to be that several of the days are sold out. :( We're currently pursuing additional ticket aquisition avenues. Hopefully, their whole trip will be a great success! I know I'm looking forward to it!

P.S. When your husband is making homemade hot sauce and he asks you to taste test, just refuse. My mouth is still partially numb, and the tingling is not going away....

1 comment:

  1. ah i didn't know they were spending the night in Tokyo..Jay is also in Tokyo for the night. They could have met!! haha
