Thursday, November 4, 2010


I'm very excited to announce we'll have our first visitors soon! Casey's brothers are coming out for a 3 week visit! They'll be here through the end of November, and I'm so excited! We're hoping to get some tickets to the Sumo competition that's getting started in a few weeks. I've never been to a sumo competition before, but I really hope we can make it!

I've been working at Navy Federal Credit Union for a few weeks now, and I've been learning a lot. It's been a nice change of pace to have a schedule and to get out of the house during the day. I'm still not used to packing my own lunch though (even though I do it for Casey every morning..?!), so I'm working on remembering that! I'm still working 30 hours a week right now because I'm still in training, so I'm looking forward to going down to 20 hours a week, as planned.

Ok, ZUMBA. Who's heard of it, and who's doing it? I started a zumba class at the gym two days a week, and I'm really enjoying it! It's like a dance-aerobics class, and it's a little crazy, but it's fun, and keeps me interested! They have some really nice gym facilities here, so I'm trying to take advantage. I'm still doing the yoga class I started too, which is still in Japanese. :)

One thing I do wish I've done more of though is learn Japanese. I still haven't learned much more than greeting phrases yes/no and thank you, so although I can get around at a grocery store, trying to inquire about my cell phone bill was very difficult. Thank goodness for dictionaries!

One other crazy moment, some of you may have heard the story on facebook already, but it's a good one, so I'll re-tell. Casey and I recently took a drive out to visit a castle not too far away. Once we got there, we took a nice tour, it was a beautiful day, and we walked around the grounds and visited for a while. Unfortunately, the whole time we were gone I left the lights on in the car! Our battery was very dead, and we had no wires to jump the car. Not to mention, we have that whole language barrier working against us. We spent a few minutes trying to see if we could get the car started on our own, but after a few attempts it was obvious we were out of luck. God must have really been looking out for us that day though, because two nice older Japanese couples approached us, and one said "Car battery, no start". A miracle! They saw our problem, and also at least understood a little English! I used my Japanese phrase books and their English skills to explain the problem, and they were able to explain to us that they would take Casey to the gas station down the road to get cables! Hooray! I waited behind with the wives of the two men, to wait. The ladies were SO nice! They practiced their English on me, told me I had a handsome husband, and asked lots of questions, which I tried to answer in Japanese as much as I could. Then, one of the ladies pulled out a Taylor Swift CD! It was so funny, she was so excited, asking me if I know of Taylor Swift and her songs, when I replied yes, she asked me my favorite and if I would sing it! Oh man! It was amusing, but since they were being so helpful, and there is an obsession with karaoke, I obliged. :) The boys were back in what seemed like no time at all, we got the car jumped and were ready to go! The couples would not accept any money, not even for the parking lot they had to pay for twice! Casey luckily had an enameled ship's coin from the Patriot, which he's on now, and they were excited to accept that as a gift of our thanks! It turned our day into quite the adventure!

I supposed it's never a dull moment with the Burnette's.

P.S. I was recently informed of a "movement" called NaBloPoMo. Where, you pledge to write on your blog every day this month. Seeing as I've been neglectful of my dear friends and family on my blog lately, I thought it would be a good chance for me to get back into the swing of things. So I'm pledging that I will do my very best, to post on my blog everyday this month! Ahh! I hope you're all ready for boring stories about how I poured all the pepper into my sauce, and Casey had to wait until 8pm for his dinner, poor husband. Because, that's what my normal day's are like! :) Thanks for reading, friends, hopefully I will speak with you all again tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Remember whenever you sang/danced to Shakira at Relay for Life our Freshman or Sophomore year?!?!?! I just remember waking up to it and running to the stage in the middle of the night!
