Friday, November 5, 2010

How Am I Supposed to Think of Cute Titles Everyday??

Look! I'm keeping my promise...two days in a row! What a busy Friday! Casey has recently bought a second car, which I took into the shop Friday morning. I've decided that our car's should be named Zippy and Drifter. Zippy is our first car, a Honda Life, which is cute, and the engine sounds like you're pulling a zipper up and down repeatedly, because it's so small. Our newest car, Drifter, got it's name because some previous owner attempted to make our Suzuki Kei look like a vehicle from Tokyo Drift, but failed miserably, so it's a little off (like a Drifter, which are also usually a little off). So poor Drifter is having some issues, but I suppose you can only expect that from a car that cost a thousand dollars. It has a little leak in it's distributor, which oddly enough, was the same problem we had in Seattle with our beloved Camry...! So into the shop Drifter went, which, luckily is on base, so there is no language barrier issues with this bout of car trouble. Unfortunately, they tried to give me attitude and didn't believe me when I explained the issue. So husband saved the day and showed up in his uniform to set them straight for me. They were much nicer when I came to pick it up! :)

While I wasn't dealing with the car issues, I spent most of the daylight hours working. Nothing too crazy there, it was a quiet day filled with, "that's 100, 2-, 3-, 4-, and 500. Would you like an envelope for that?" :) Luckily the day passed quickly, since it was Friday and we were busy with people taking out their money for the weekend. Then after work was Zumba! Woo! This time my co-workers from the credit union also came. Our manager, assistant manager, and one of the other tellers all joined our class (it's also taught by a fellow teller, too!). So it was fun to see everyone dancing around after being so professional at work all day.

Casey is on duty all weekend, so that he can have the weekends that his brothers are here free. I usually try to bring him dinner while he's on duty, since the ship is still under construction and doesn't have a kitchen on board. So after Zumba, I went to the food court to pick up Casey's favorite, taco bell. I try to bring him a treat on Fridays :)! But after I picked up the food and got back to the car I could not find my phone! It was already dark out, and Drifter has some stupid blue lights installed inside, so I couldn't see a thing!! I tried looking everywhere, and even dumped out my purse and gym bag. So frustrating! So I had to arrive at the ship unannounced and embarrass Casey by having them call over the radios "Can someone please call the CDO, his wife is here, with his dinner." Oops! Sorry honey! It's always nice though to have dinner together, since we can't spend the rest of the day together, so we like to catch up on what's been going on and visit for a little bit. Casey thankfully was able to call my phone for me when we got back to the car, and YAY! We heard ringing! Using Casey's, always-handy flashlight we found my phone, which was in my shoe. No, not the one I was wearing. But the ones I changed out of when I went to the gym. That would happen to me. Hooray! So everything ended better than expected, and now you don't have to hear any stories about explaining how I lost my phone and need a new one in the Japanese cell phone store.

I guess it turns out that even a "normal day" has some fun stories to share! I hope you guys are ready to recap my weekend of errands...coming up next on NaBloPoMo. :)

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