Monday, November 8, 2010

Putting my Cards on the Table

After my post yesterday about what I really want from work, I was feeling very motivated. I found that writing my thoughts down really helped me to solidify my reasonings and gave me a sort-of preparation for speaking with my boss at work. I wrote down my main points and laid it all out there for my boss and let her know that I need more from them, and I need them to need less from me. I felt like I explained all my issues and made it very clear that this was a serious need for me and my family. Thankfully, being that everyone who works at the bank are also Navy families, my boss was very understanding of where I was coming from. We agreed she would take some time to think/talk it over with the other manager, and let me know. I also let them know that I would be willing to hear if they had any other arrangement ideas that I might consider. So either I will be quitting my new job in the next few days or I will get a week off in December to go to Singapore with Casey, a flexible, 3 day work week, and more freedom and say in my scheduling. We shall see! Either way though, I see it as a big win for me. I feel proud of myself that I stood up for what was best for our family, and either I'll have a job that works for me, or I will have the chance to find that knitting class I've been looking for! :)

That was really the biggest event of yesterday, but Casey is FINALLY of duty, after about 5 days, and we got Drifter fixed! So we're just about ready for Jessie and Jimmy to come out and visit us! Luckily, I have Thurday off (Veteran's day) so I can finish cleaning up and getting some extra sheets washed. I'm so excited for their visit, I'm just hoping now I can get those Sumo tickets! Sayonara!


  1. Becca --that is AWESOME! Nicely done!

  2. Good job! I'm glad you stuck to your guns and let work know what will be best for you. There's no sense in not having the best experiences possible while you're there!
